Music Video Theorists
Film Opening Theorists
Steve Neale - Genre is repetition and difference, repeating what is expected of the genre (following similarities) and then trying something different to keep interest from the audience. Conforms to the stereotypes and conventions of genre but also subversion of the conventions makes it.
Rick Altman - semantic/syntactic approach. Semantic is where the conventions of the genre are applied but also syntactic is used, syntax; the connection of semantic and narrative. Also mentions the Pragmatic approach - institutions and audiences.
****Did you challenge (subvert) or conform (follow) the theory?****
Apply the concept of Genre to one of your coursework pieces.
Intro - state what piece you are talking about, brief overview (short and concise) what genre of you production is, inspirations.
Main Paras -
1st - 3 ideas from concept that sum/show the genre of the piece, choose a bit from DISTINCT, how do they show genre of the piece? Compare to real media products to back up your choice.
2nd - Apply some theories - which theories does the pieced conform or subvert?
3rd - Final - Comclusion - how did genre hep or hinder the process? did it bring creative? did it help make it your own?
Last para -
With our piece we had to push the boundaries of the genre trying to make it cinematic to pass as an intro but also stick to documentary conventions, the genre helped to give a direction and guide through research of documentary piece, a regime to work with and to feed off creatively.