Wednesday, 15 March 2017

1940's to the Naughties


Children after the war suddenly became teenagers, no longer got to work at 13 got to secondary school instead until 16. More youth, bit more freedom to not just become a reflection of their parents.


Teenager attended college, no longer working form age of 13, given more free time to find opinion, fashion and music interest - working small part time jobs provided spending money.

The Teddy Boy Subculture appeared in the 50's, they were unified by look , the first subculture to appear (scaring adults) and the media misrepresenting them. Their fashion was styled on the old Edwardian Suits from the early 1900's, a smart look that this youth subculture took on the separate themselves from everyone else and then American Rock and Roll hit England in 1955 and the music and the teddy boys became inseparable.

For women skirts became shorter and more colourful; more revealing compared to war standards.

Music - Mack the Knife - Pearl Bailey Sing


1960's context from hentonmedia


Punk fashion wasn't a fashion it was a rebellion - they would buy 2nd hand clothes as a stand against capitalism.
Disco and Glamrock became big with David Bowie ultra egos wearing makeup and outrageous clothes.
First Gay Pride rally in 1972 helped by glam rock homosexuality became okay, more accepted became a regular site in news and magazines.


80's fashion was bright colourful and experimental - hair styles and wear big and bold fashion.
Music scene was sexualizing woman a profitable business - us pop items , Madonna, Michael Jackson.
Young ones - representing subculture in the UK, uni students of punks, nerds, hippies
New Romantics
Evolution of technology - phones, Ghetto Blasters
Gaming and arcades - teens would spend there time and arcades.
George hill and spitting image
Films - Hollywood blockbusters, nudity,
Emo was born, not scream - slipknot was created which is still about now.


Grunge (American rock edgy rebellious - nirvana) turned in Britpop - bands like Oasis and Blur. Britpop was a rebellion to American grunge.
Lad culture is associated with oasis with football fans, drinking, spitting, violent.
Acid House - illegal raves set up by the british youth, flurescent clothing and LSD - not a positive representation.
Pop - spice girls, destinys child, allsaints
GIRL POWER but also still use of femine gaze but they embraced it, took control of the sexualisation of the women.
People wer enow completely judged on what music they listened to, people would have friendship groups for it, people would dress to identity witht he music.
Representatation can be found in FHM Magazines for lad culture
Films could be Spice Girl videos.


Hoodie Horrors - Hoodie gained a negative impact. - associuated with gangviolence, even had petitions to get hoodies band.

in 2008 - American magazines stated that "British youngsters drink far more than their European counterparts.

Naughtis - launch of YouTube, first video in April 2005. Now celebrities had a bigger impact on teens because of the growth of internet and social media.
Fashion men would wear baggy trousers, jeans, hoodies. Women more velour ripped denim showing body off.

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